ecol-o-gy \ i-'käl jê\ n. pl. –gies [G ökologie, fr.
Ök-ec- + -logie -logy] (1858) 1. A branch of science concerned with the
interrelationship of organisms and their environments. 2. The totality or pattern
of relations between organisms and their environment. 3. HUMAN ECOLOGY. (Source:
Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary)
Greek "oikos” means home, place where we live. And ecology means
the science of how all living creatures interact within the place we live in
- our environment. The environment as a whole. We are part of the earth and
not separate from it. Mankind, plants and animals are striving to cohabite on
this earth each one in the most dominant possible way. Yet the survival of all
species, is reliant upon the harmony of the existence of all beings on this
earth. We have to consider both the biotic and abiotic aspects of the natural
world. Therefore it is important to understand their bi-directional relationships.
The physical world influences living organisms and organisms effect the physical
world. The main part of the science of ecology is the understanding of the processes,
interactions and relationships of all given entities rather than the perfect
understanding of each one of them.
My personal reflection is, if the environment breaks down, our soul starts to
die. The human being is anchored to the world with body and soul. Our highest
commitment on earth is (and here I am talking about the western civilisation,
hence in other cultures different understandings of the simple “being”
exist), to enable the continuance of that, which was given to us (in the biblical
From the very beginning the human being was fascinated by nature. Already Plato
had a very distinguished idea about the thought of nature. He defended the viewpoint
that man having a soul represented “something higher” and that hence
his integration into the environment was only partially necessary. Philosophers
of nature seemed to be a danger to progress. Only with time the understanding
of nature changed. Up to the development of capitalism humans regarded nature
as something static, unchangeable. It was the perfection of divine creation
and could thus take no damage by humans beings.
By the glaring interferences of humans into the environment during the period
of industrialization, man began slowly to take consience that human beings do
affect nature. The modern evolution theory was born during that period.
Humans have the tendency to regard their spirit as very important and thus often
understand that they can lift themselves above all given borders. The soul however
notices, in my point of view, only to frequently the gap between these two contrasts
and looks for the agreement between the body and the spirit with our nature.
Perhaps you know this also from the speech of the chief of Seattle to the president
of the United States of America in the year 1855. There he pointed out:
“Our dead never forget this beautiful earth, for it is the mother of the
red man. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers
are our sisters; the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers.
The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and
man--all belong to the same family.”
With this approach we enter into another dimension. Two distinguished approaches
of ecology are:
The scientific ecology : the science of the relationships of the biotic and
abiotic enivronment, as seen above. We are an outside observer, we get facts
and data and we try to analyse them.
The deep ecology: We see ourselves as part of the earth. We ask ourself deep
inside, where we have our place and role in protecting our own home –
Ecology is economy on a long-term basis. To be nowadays an integral part of the ecological process requires the understanding of the responsibility for our own actions. Our perspicacity today is determining for our way of living of tomorrow. The rapid growing of the world population, the exhaustion of natural resources by their excessive use in certain areas of the world, as well as a lack of comprehension of the ecological interactions threaten already and will threaten our survival in the near future. To reach a balance in the handling of all the entries and exits (input/output) in the respect of the natural environnement in a near future is an incontestably obvious condition for the safeguard and amelioration of the world economy. If efficiency was improved and optimized (not maximized) by taking into consideration all of the production factors (also the sustainability of natural ressources and descend possibilities of living for all individuals on this planet) on all levels of our companies, the companies would carry out an important economic profit though preserving the environment.